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Isabella Ranci Ortigosa

Isabella, a senior in high school has a unique talent of painting. Her area of expertise is painting portraits using oil paints. She will be continuing her art education at Savannah College of Art and Design.









Abby Lewis

Abby, a senior in high school has always been passionate about art. She loves to make stencil and using various printmaking methods and using bright colors.










Missy Morelli

Missy, a junior in high school loves to explore various techniques and mediums in art. Currently in honors portfolio she adds a bit of her vibrant personality to each piece she creates.










Malika Alicea- Galaz

For years Yoelia has been in love with art. She always found an interest in the emotion conveyed through photos. Thanks to AP Studio Art, she was able to explore her interests.


Alexis Morelli

Alexis never knew she find a passion in art. A senior at the moment, she loves to use watercolor paints and colored pencils and loved the year she spend in AP Studio Art.











Kane Meinck

As a junior in high school Kane she has developed a great interest in printmaking. All of her pieces are done with emphasis on detail and cleaniness.









Jorge Villalobos

As a senior, has always been interested in art. By viewing his sister make art growing up, he has developed his own unique style.















Daniella Pulumbo

Daniella, a senior in high school, will  be studying art at Western Connecticut State Univ. Her dreams are to work in the art field.









Madison French

As a junior Maddie has taken her first AP Studio Art Exam. She hoped to retake the class and challenge her self further within the art field.

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